Hello I am using MOI to translate Solidworks 2008 and 2010 files into quad geometry for rendering in Modo.

 From:  skateboardkid
3250.7 In reply to 3250.6 
Thanks for the tips I might have to update my tut at some point to reflect those changes.

I am having an issue with MOI either not being able to open 1 of my designs or it hangs at 50 percent of CPU usage and about 70,000k of memory usage. Weird because every other furniture piece I have imported comes through without a hitch.

Could you take a look at this file?

I can email it directly to you as its a confidential design and I cant post a link or image on a forum - thanks.

I have been trying several different settings to get this chair into MOI it either imports nothing at all or it hangs at 50 percent of CPU indefinitely. Changing my settings to trimmed surface type and nurbs surface I was able to import this model into MOI.
Even when I get this file inot MOI when I save as .LWO it uses like 1.4 gigs of memory while saving.

All other models import and export extremely fast - even on a an old Pentium 4 2.4 with a gig of ram.

This is the only model it happens to so far out of five - I will keep you updated and can send you the file to look at its under a MB.

Actually every IGES that contains the internal framing elements will not import, there are a bunch of areas that are 1/16" thick fabric stretched over the subframe or foam elements and maybe this is why they do not import well, I can open my IGES file back up in SW and its clean geometry just trying to clear this up.
I sent you the file attached to a PM.