New Jan-18-2007 beta available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
325.19 In reply to 325.14 
> You say Angle to Fill
> and Step Angle
> Ok
> But they work singly!
> There is not "Angle to Fill" + "Step Angle" and the same time :)
> That can be cool too!

Hi Pilou, but I don't think it is possible for both to work at the same time! Unless you can explain how it would work...

These are two different ways of calculating the same value - that is what angle to rotate for each item in the array.

Using Angle to fill will take that full angle and then divide it by the number of items - 1 to calculate the rotation angle for each new item.

Using Step angle lets you input the rotation angle for a new item directly.

But they both result in calculating the same thing, that's why you can't have both at the same time. You can't have a new item that is rotated by two different rotations at the same time...

> a tiny tiny "bug"
> When you increase the UIcursor UI to the max of big size, then reduce to the smal size
> width of the UI on the right stay "big" ! (not the caracteres)
> You must press "Default" for a normal use :)

Yeah, I have seen this happen sometimes too. Something is not quite exactly right in the size calculations when going from big to small sometimes.

However, if you close the program and then re-open it, it should use the new size correctly. So that's an easy way to solve the problem.

I probably won't be focusing on fixing this bug very soon because you don't normally need to change the UI size on a very regular basis, it's something that you will more just pick a size you like and use it from there on out - it should work fine for that.

- Michael