How to use MOI

 From:  Michael Gibson
324.6 In reply to 324.5 
Hi Slobodan here are a couple of other tutorials:

A great alarm clock tutorial by Steph3d (it loads rather slowly, let it wait for a while):

Church tutorial by Steph3d:

Ring tutorial by Jesse Kaufman:

Another thing you can do is search for Rhino tutorials on the web. This won't be exactly the same as MoI, but the general NURBS modeling principles are the same, so that could be helpful.

If you're getting confused or stuck on a particular operation, please post an example .3dm model here - that will help to figure out what part isn't working. It's also a bit easier to help you with a particular model if you post some example images or partial models of what you are trying to do.

Some proper documentation for MoI is currently in progress, so that will help out when it is ready, it will still be a bit of time before it is ready though.

- Michael