Altering or deforming Moi objects in a polygon app (C4D)

 From:  nycL45
3238.24 In reply to 3238.21 
Hi Michael,

> there still a "normals" tag in C4D...

That was it. Deleting the Base Tag [Normal] and the aberrations disappeared.

Moreover, I did not follow your suggestion posted somewhere, sometime ago, "It is not necessary to use Riptide to import into C4D." Riptide adds three tags exacerbating the problem. Strip those out plus the normal tag and the Riptide import is fine. But, you are right, Riptide is unnecessary.

This has been about working within the overlap of two modeling apps and how well Moi plays in C4D's environment. Tweaking remains but Moi's mesh is good to go.

Thanks for all the help, Michael.

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