Points on All Primitives

 From:  Michael Gibson
3227.8 In reply to 3227.7 
Hi jonah,

> I was assuming that Brian wants to manipulate these in
> some way, perhaps make them "squishable" as with the
> sphere primitive...

I guess you mean making more internal points for the box? Yeah if you want to have more points to squish around instead of only points at the box corners then you may still want to use rail revolve for that.

But you do not need to worry about the sharp corners in the revolve profile preventing control points from being turned on like you do in Rhino, since MoI allows points to be turned on for objects made up of more than one joined surface if the joins are at natural surface edges.

Of course if you want to have a totally smooth shape throughout then you should not have any sharp corners in the revolve profile since you will be starting out with sharp corners in that case.

- Michael