Greek Column.. how to?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3193.10 In reply to 3193.7 
Hi Tony, like Malcolm mentions you should be able to use the Merge tool inside of Modo to update the model to have welded points.

But it should also be possible to get that built in to the export from MoI - that is entirely what that "Weld vertices along edges" checkbox option inside of MoI's export options is for. When it is checked MoI will generate a welded mesh where polygons from different surfaces will share a single vertex in common between them. When it is unchecked each polygon will instead have their own individual vertices but stacked up on the same location.

It may be possible that Modo's OBJ importer decides on its own to break things up at different smoothing groups or something like that.

I'd recommend using LWO format instead of OBJ format for going into Modo. Previous versions of Modo did not handle n-gons very well in OBJ format, so really LWO has always been the best method for transfer to Modo.

I don't think that Modo messes around as much with the data it gets from LWO since it is closer to its native data arrangement than what is in OBJ.

I only have an old version of Modo here (203), but testing LWO format with it and your shape everything seems to be how you want it.

When I do the import into Modo it looks like this:

And then if I select a vertex and move it, I get this kind of a result:

Is that what you want to get?

Does using LWO format solve your problem?

- Michael