Object Snap with SHIFT Key

 From:  Michael Gibson
3167.4 In reply to 3167.3 
Hi Mr. Braun,

> Just one question: Moi 1.1 have problem with Win 7 x64?

Nothing that I know of specifically related to Win 7. The original version 1.0 does not work properly in Windows 7, but the updated version 1.1 will run there.

But certainly there are a lot of various fixes and improvements in 2.0, so you probably found a bug in 1.1 that is now fixed in 2.0 .

> I have some problems into view!
> I.E. if i make a loft surface the result are not good!

Can you please post an example model file so I can take a look?

> When release this version? ;)

Pretty soon, I will be putting out the last v2 beta in the next few days here, I'm just working on some of the last areas of it now.

- Michael