Cushion edge piping

 From:  Michael Gibson
3165.4 In reply to 3165.3 
Hi Leonard, well for the most part the kind of piping that things are currently optimized for are when the rail curve is going down the center of the pipe.

That's what that Pipe plug-in will make quick to do in batches.

But it looks like in this case you are trying to make a kind of pipe where the actual tube is offset some distance away from the path curve rather than running down the center of the path curve. So you won't be able to use that Pipe plugin for your case here unless you prepare the rail curves differently.

> You can see the rail separates from or overlaps the cushion edge.

Yes, I see that, but it looks like you have drawn in a completely new curve for the path that does not have quite enough points in it to hug the original edges tightly enough.

Instead of drawing a completely new path curve, you can just re-use the existing surface edges - that's the easiest way to ensure that your sweep hugs them exactly.

To do that, select all those edges that go around one loop and then use Edit/Join to glue them together into a single new curve - you can then use this new long curve as your path curve instead of trying to manually draw a new path curve.

There are a couple of places where your edges are not totally tangent to one another which will make for some small gaps in the created tube, you may need to go around and clean those up by using something like Blend between the open edges.

Does that help? Let me know if you need more information.

- Michael