Cushion edge piping

 From:  Michael Gibson
3165.11 In reply to 3165.10 
Hi Burr, it can be tough to tell exactly how much difference there is between 2 curves just by trying to eyeball them.

The best way to do this will be in the next beta - there is a new Rebuild command there that has 2 modes in it, a "Rebuild to tolerance" mode, and a "Rebuild by # of points" mode.

If you care about keeping the rebuilt curve to be a controlled distance away from the original, then you will want to use the "Rebuild to tolerance" mode - instead of specifying a number of points, it instead lets you specify a distance value and when reconstructing the curve it will use as many points as needed to keep the rebuilt version within that distance of the original.

You will generally use the number of points method when you don't care so much about maintaining the distance and just want to really reduce point count.

- Michael