FBX Export - Styles Exported?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3164.6 In reply to 3164.5 
Hi Mark,

> Any chance Moi might allow us to assign textures as
> styles in the future (simple mapping like planar and
> box and the ability to rotate and scale textures would
> do me).

Eventually I would like to have this, but this probably won't happen until MoI gets some kind of basic built in renderer. I'm not sure exactly when that will happen.

> I know the answer is going to be no but it seems that Moi
> is the only software I own which exports poly formats with
> correct shading.

I guess I don't quite understand though - Max has a whole bunch of functions in it for setting up textures... Why not set up the textures inside of Max after you have imported the geometry?

Basically right now I assume that for assigning textures, that you are going to be doing that inside of a rendering program or possibly a specialty texture mapping program even. Usually that just goes together more with the rendering side of things.

- Michael