FBX Export - Styles Exported?

 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
3164.5 In reply to 3164.4 
Hi Michael,

Obj still looks like my best option then. It seems that Max 2010 loads the Moi obj perfectly. Smoothing is excellent.

Unfortunately, I still need to texture the damn deck on these ships (I really do need to do that at least) and every other piece of software I've exported an obj from looks awful in Max. Weird dark shading sploges. Very frustrating as I'm happy with the models and just can't seem to find a way to solve this :(

Any chance Moi might allow us to assign textures as styles in the future (simple mapping like planar and box and the ability to rotate and scale textures would do me). I know the answer is going to be no but it seems that Moi is the only software I own which exports poly formats with correct shading.

