Help needed with fillet tube frame intersections

 From:  BurrMan
3150.16 In reply to 3150.15 
A really nice tig weld would probably look like a filet. I would imagine an arc weld to look like this more often than not:

It was fairly easy to make though. I just ran a normal filet with the radius I wanted, then I copied the little filets seam edge and deleted the filet. Then I pasted the seam edge back and rotated it with MoI's edit frame rotation widget, 180 degrees, and swept it with the 2 newly calculated surface edges from the filet. Poof....Bead. But if it was possible to invert the filet as another option, I think it may be a nice addition to that list.

Does anybody else envision a weld bead as this shape?

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN