grasshopper for moi

 From:  Michael Gibson
3145.13 In reply to 3145.12 
Hi isaac,

> Correct but what if that macro creates a pattern which
> you intended to copy to every point in an existing point
> cloud. ..Thats when the fun begins.

Yeah but that's also when it starts to become more of a "programming-ish" like tool, which certainly works well if you are able to think like a programmer but there are a lot of people that find that a foreign mindset.

Also don't get me wrong, Grasshopper looks like it has a cool UI, it's just that it behaves in general more as if it was a completely separate program in a parallel universe to Rhino rather than something that works like an extension of the regular program.

Maybe that can even be an advantage in some cases when you want to do a totally different approach, like something more like directly programming steps rather than modifying modeling workflow. But the negative aspect is that it means learning a much different UI than the regular modeling UI, and in the long run potentially having a lot of repeated stuff between these 2 parallel universes...

> Check out this video It shows the strength of true
> parametric/procedural modeling.

Wow, that is an amazing result. At first I was just like "ok", but then when the tunnels and bridges pop in that is way cool.

Of course it probably took a considerable effort to get that all set up...

- Michael