Organic modeling using brushes

 From:  Michael Gibson
309.5 In reply to 309.1 
Hi Zealous, thanks for your interest in MoI!

It will probably take quite a long while before I'll be able to experiment in this area.

MoI is just not focused at this point in time on that style of modeling (I mean highly organic, lots of little bumps and ripples, ... ) . Definitely ZBrush as you are using, and also Silo as previously mentioned are good tools to explore for this style of modeling.

It's a bit difficult to merge structured, accurate type drawing tools along with free-form brush tools. Right now MoI is weighted more on the accurate side.

But thank you for your feedback! I will try to think about different possibilities along these lines in the future, but I just wanted to warn you that it probably won't happen anytime soon.

- Michael