
 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3075.6 In reply to 3075.5 
Hi Michael,

> Then I think if I try to do a similar thing and make
> edges show as selected when a "wireframe" solid
> is selected, then that pushes some problems on
> to the edge selection drill down stage since then
> there will be a bunch of edges that are displaying
> as selected when they really are not selected (as edges).

How about a different color for the halo and highlight for breps when edge only?

> I can probably take a stab at making this work better in v3.

That'll be great, I'm confident that you will make this work smooth and logical.

One other thing I noticed is when one brep is edge only and the other has faces during a Boolean operation you end up in a mixed state, which I believe could be misleading.


We start off with two solid blocks, one with edges only the other faces and edges.

When we do a Boolean Union we get this.

Boolean Diff

without looking at the object properties panel one would think that it produced a joined surface with missing faces, do you think after a Boolean operation that all faces should be showing for the new brep ?
