
 From:  Jesse
3034.62 In reply to 3034.59 
>By the time you march all the way around a closed curve, there is not any guarantee that the last one placed is going to end up at that same distance >away from the very first one placed at the start of the curve.

>I'm not completely sure what to do about that, I guess that probably you would want the spacing tweaked slightly so that the last step ended up back right >on the first one. But that's going to be extremely time consuming to calculate.

Hi Michael,

Most of the closed curve arrays typically used in jewelry design for gemstones are on rings, so the regular circle array function, works for that.
I suppose it would be nice to have the option to be able to start and stop at the same place along a closed curve on a free-form surface, but I don't think it's a priority. If it's not exact we can play with the numbers of stones and distance between and probably get it close enough...and then tweak it with the Paste Part tool if we have to.
