Measuring, analyzing

 From:  Michael Gibson
3013.2 In reply to 3013.1 
Hi mickelsen,

> Or are there various ways to get the same information?

Well, one basic way to get the distance between 2 points is to draw a line, and look at the distance readout in the bottom toolbar here:

When you are in a drawing command, that control there shows the distance from the last point.

In MoI v2 there is also a new properties panel that shows information about the currently selected objects. It shows up in the upper right corner of the main window, and will tell you stuff like the radius of a selected sphere, the length of a selected line, or the bounding box dimensions around any group of selected objects:

It's also not just a display, it's actually an editor too - if you click on it you will get a dropdown that lets you edit the value like this:

There are not currently any functions in MoI for things like surface area or volume calculations though, but I do want to add those in to a future version.

- Michael