Highlight solid pre-selection Bug ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3008.3 In reply to 3008.1 
Hi PaQ, actually it is working properly there - you're just seeing how the preselection highlight works on different colored styles.

If the style color is relatively close to white or light gray (with all of r,g,b greater than or equal to 208,208,208) then the preselection highlight color uses the same light yellow as MoI v1.

If any of r,g,b is less than 208, then it does not use that light yellow color because it looks really weird to have something like a pure red object suddenly shift to light yellow as a preselection highlight just by coasting the mouse over it without clicking, it was a severely jarring feel.

So instead if the color is far enough from white it takes the color and shifts that color somewhat towards white to use as the preselection highlight color.

So for example with red, the preselection highlight turns out to be light red.

In the case you have here, you have 2 styles, one of which is close enough to white to get the light yellow highlight on it, and the other is far enough from white to get the "shift towards white" color on it.

Once it is actually selected there is no difference, everything switches to selection yellow. But that is not bad because it doesn't happen just by coasting your mouse over things like the preselection highlight does. In fact it's kind of good for the actually selection to be somewhat jarring so you can more clearly see what has changed.

- Michael