Could all of these be done in Moi?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2982.5 In reply to 2982.1 
Hi Anna, I kind of missed this one part of your message:

> and some of my sketches have some relief effect on them.

Trying to do get slightly raised or "bubbly" relief type patterns does not tend to work very well in pure NURBS.

But actually it is quite difficult and time consuming (especially in learning curve time) to do it in sub-d as well though.

Really the best mechanism for doing relief design tends to be one of the displacement brush based modelers like 3D-coat, ZBrush, and mudbox.

It can work well to use MoI in combination with those displacement programs, you use MoI to make the broader base form quickly and then export it into those programs as polygons (using the "divide larger than" option to finely dice up the resulting polygons into small even bits) and then apply the relief details over there.

It also depends on the complexity of the relief pattern though, if it is simple enough you can model it as a separate piece and boolean it in to the main shape in MoI.

- Michael