How to bend the branches?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2981.2 In reply to 2981.1 
Hi Anna, you may want to try using the Flow command in Rhino to deform your tree.

The way flow works is you draw 2 curves, an original "backbone" curve, and then a target curve which will be a new backbone.

So for example with your tree, in Rhino draw the following 2 curves in the top view:

Now select your tree, run Flow, select the line as the initial backbone, and then select the bent curve as the target one, and it will morph your tree to be bent like the target curve.

If you want to kind of apply a bend to individual portions of your tree that is kind of more difficult, probably for that your best bet might be to convert your object into a mesh (make sure it is finely diced, using a mesh parameter like "Divide larger than" in MoI to dice things up into small size polygons throughout), then with a mesh you can apply flow to smaller sections by selecting only some of the mesh vertices you want to morph before running flow.

It tends to be easier to do kind of localized morphing of mesh data since you can just select some mesh vertices and only transform just those around.

Hope this helps,

- Michael