Collection of MoI Icon with Color

 From:  BurrMan
2964.13 In reply to 2964.12 
Well for instance, since the place I'll probably end up looks more like this:

Here are a few of the changes.

In the CSs file i set the CommandBarBody and SidePaneBody to color as it seemed you already found. Then I set my options-view-background color to this also.

Then I colored these images:




THe dialogue boxes are css color settings that you could find and determine easily for where commands are textually entered to go further.

The buttons are all images that could be colorized also. (You'll have to do a couple each for the rollover also)

Then when you launch a command like "Circle", that flyout is still the old color. SO you need to set the "transparent option in the CSS file for these 2 areas:



to "none"

Then browse and find the images that makeup the flyout background and colorize those also.

With this method you could probably figure out all the changes you need to make to make your own UI that suits your need.

".DialogBody" "Color" will change the text in the options popup too.

A bit of experimentation to see what it does. Just make a folder and copy anything your about to change into there, then you can experiment in real time by opening and closing MoI, and if you dont like something, just copy it from that folder back into MoI's UI folder and back to square 1.

Have fun!

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN