Better suited gallery

 From:  Michael Gibson
2949.13 In reply to 2949.9 
At some point I'm probably going to separate the gallery out into a few different categories like "Industrial design", "Jewelry", "Vehicles", etc...

Probably at that point some of the most refined entries will get placed at the top of their categories.

But even at that point, I still want to have a section that holds just all new entries.

I actually view it as a positive thing that there are a wide variety of skill levels represented in the gallery - having less advanced stuff in the gallery helps to showcase that you can get stuff done with MoI even if you are not an expert. Being easy to use and friendly to beginners is one of the cool aspects about MoI in general.

Then also having advanced and more refined things in the gallery helps to show that it is not limited to only be of use to beginners as well.

Just like there is a spectrum of people using MoI, it is nice to have a spectrum of stuff in the gallery.

- Michael