Will Moi3D continue to be a pet project? Closed

 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
To all,

Michael G. has made amazing progress with his Moment of Inspiration modeling software. I use it in line with the other modeling programs that I use every day in the manufacturing world. I intend to purchase the next revision v2 for myself after owning v1, and purchasing the v2 release for the company I am employed with outside of my freelance work. My staff and those that I support with CAD have been deeply impressed with what I have been able to show them in presentations and proposals and as far as up to production ready models, that I am obligated:-) to purchase this software for them to use as well.

Sorry to go on, but I see no reason at this point to question Michael G.'s motives or his ability to continue to improve upon his program.

Michael T.

Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
