Procedural geometry in MoI (WIP)

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
As some of you know, I have been working on creating some documentation for the MoI Javascript API. While still incomplete, there's enough useful information there now that I plan on releasing a beta of this documentation later this week or next.

Over the last few days I have also been busy "consuming" the new documentation, using it to create a Javascript library for procedurally generating geometry in MoI. The following is a screenshot of a little tool I have been playing around with that allows you to use this library to create new geometry in MoI by interactively writing and running scripts:

This is still a very early WIP, but I thought it might start the creative juices flowing for some of the more technically oriented MoI users out there about what's possible once the Javascript API is available.

For those not very Javascript savvy, the script I wrote in the window on the right basically says:

- Create some number, n, of concentric circles centered around the origin.
- Extrude the collection of circles to form a roughly "square" set of nested pipes (part1).
- Create a 90 degree rotated copy of the nested pipes (part2).
- Compute the intersection of the two sets of pipes (part1 and part2) and add that to the MoI scene.

- Dave Morrill