Alibre for $99, regular price $999

 From:  BurrMan
2881.8 In reply to 2881.6 
If you need "Parametric Modeling" then this would be a great price to be introduced to it. It also has the abilty to start working with assemblies. Feature based modeling workflow.

But, if you dont use this, I dont, then it would seem less intuitive and have alot that needed learning with no return. I was tempted just because 100 bucks for it is such a great deal, but for me it would just be 100 sitting on my computer. I thought just buy it and have it to fool around with if I needed to explore this area, but they have demo versions for exploration and truly, if I wanted to move to this software, this version would be insufficient and I would need the pro version at least (jbshortey). Once I get into the thousands for software, there are other packages I would go for)

Anyway, just mumbling.