New lighting model WIP

 From:  neo
2801.81 In reply to 2801.77 
>Specialized? I think most people buy MoI because it has a powerfull UI and its simple... not "specialized"
>I hope MoI become more and more simple and powerfull, not become an elite specialized tool like Rhino.

Last think I would call Rhino is "elite specialized tool"...on the other hand Alias Surface is what you call "elite specialized tool"

>I dont use Zebra, I never used it, only discovered it in Rhino. If im asking for Zebra its not for me, its for people who need to check for continuity.
>I never do class A surfaces and I never care about G1, G2 and G3. I agree that its not as practical as the metal one, its a specialized tool so it cant be good for full time modeling.
>By the way Zebra can be good looking too (Alias design screenshot)

I see...But you understand class A surfaces etc. is what DESIGNER demand/dream from a Nurbs app. like MoI. Anyway even if you are a Visual artist if those rules not applied The outcome will not be "smooth"...Seams will be visible even were you have applied simple fillets...BUT I'm sure you know all that already :)
Is also ironic you show an Show an alias zebra screenshot and not a Rhino one :)