New lighting model WIP

 From:  vodkamartini
2801.69 In reply to 2801.68 
I only meant it was limiting from the user's perspective (in that we can generate the same env. maps in a 3d package, plus much much more). I completely understand the advantages on your end, especially if you're dynamically updating the lights. I'm sure many people would be eager to produce and share their own maps, so I doubt those without the necessary 3d packages wouldn't stand to benefit.

You're right about the examples DesuDeus posted as being too aesthetic. I think a happy medium between pure eye candy and bland functionality can exist, with more of the interesting solutions achievable outside the confines of simple omni/directional/spot lights. I also agree that what you have now is a proper foundation, and I never meant to suggest replacing it - merely supplementing it.

Anyway, I like the improvements you're making and I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever look v2 ends up having. Keep up the great work!