New lighting model WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
2801.23 In reply to 2801.13 
Hi PaQ,

> How did you resolve the black and white surface ?

It's not resolved yet. I'm not sure yet if it will be fully resolved for v2 or not, it may need something like being able to set separate colors in a style for wires and surfaces which I may not be able to finish for v2.

> Will the black have dark gray wireframe ?

I think probably the in-viewport display of the surface color will get limited to a dark gray and the wireframe will remain unlimited and stay at the style color. But I haven't really focused on that yet.

> And how about the white surface ? (white wireframe will be more less invisible).

No, that actually seems to be fine because most areas have shading:

This may get a bit worse though with specular highlights added, although I may try to have specular not applied to white surfaces.

> At the export, is it the surface color that will be taked
> into account to define the diffuse, or the wireframe color
> from the style ?

It's the surface color which right now is the same as the wire color, they are both currently defined by a single color value that belongs to a style.

The only exception is when you have a style with pure black as the color (which is the default in the 2D sense of black ink for printing lines and text) the surface color will instead be taken as white.

> For the moment, it seems that the wireframe color = surface
> color + a little bright boost. Is it something automated when
>you choose a color for a style ?

No, that's just an optical illusion - there is no brightness applied to the wires, instead they just appear to have that since the surfaces get darkened due to shading.

The wires that you see in that previous screenshot are all just at the pure shade color, no adjustments.

> Did you made some test with only black wireframe ?

No, not yet.

> As there is some kind of soft specular on the surface, even
> a black surface + black wireframe will still be 'readable' I guess.

A little bit better I guess but probably not enough. That will probably need to be another special case where either the surface or the wires are altered in the viewport display to be lightened slightly.

- Michael