New lighting model WIP

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2801.124 In reply to 2801.119 
Hi Michael,

> I can't really think of a case where black
> edges would show discrepancies better.
> Do you have an example where you can show that?

I haven't got a copy of colored MoI to see the difference, so this is a rough indication of what I mean.
Small surfaces are easily seen in the model with the black edges.

> Notice that having the edges colored,
> when an object is selected there is
> still some visual indicator of its style.

Assuming the edges are black, Is it possible upon selection the edges show the style colour, same goes for wireframe display.

> It also just generally opens the door for
> more kinds of styling in the future like possibly
> being able to have styles that had additional
> stuff that could affect edges like brush
> strokes or sketch-like drawing styles.

That's all good stuff, that would be for a final visual static output, I wouldn't be modeling with sketchy style edges.
I think when you implement these thats when we can apply colors and line styles to the edges.

> If edges did not get assigned the same style
> when setting the style of a selected solid, then
> the style property for that solid would be
> reported as "Various styles", since it would
> have faces on one style and edges on another
> style - that's not bad to be able to set manually
> but it is not a good thing to do by default.

The way you have Booleans set up by default this will happen anyway, won't it ?

Just a quick question on this, when selecting multi coloured bodies will the edges show up the colour of the surface it represents ?
what happens to the shared edge of 2 different coloured surfaces ?

> But today I should be working on some methods
> to override the default, so that you could have
> either faces or edges displayed in a fixed color
> of your choice rather than showing in their style color.

That's great Michael, thanks!

Working with other 3d modelers, I hear their comments, especially when using new software, and maybe other users on the forum are reading this thread are saying, 'what's the big deal' but using something for 8 to 12 hrs straight, the little things start to stand out and then become annoying. Having those options will please a lot of users, I think.

Can't wait for the release, It reminds me as kid when we got rid of the B&W TV and got a colour :)
