[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.9 In reply to 2782.2 
Hi Grendel,

> I second this request, I am constantly making one line from
> center to a certain dimension, mirroring, then making a new
> line between the two and deleting the two original half lines
> because I don't want a center point on the resultant surface.

Check out the construction lines as shown above, it should speed up this process a lot.

Instead of drawing that first line that you describe in, you instead want to drag out a construction line first. To do that, while you are in the line command instead of clicking to place a point of the object being drawn, you instead hold the mouse button down and drag away.

That drags out a construction line - release the mouse on the end point, and now you will have snaps available exactly where you want to draw your line in. So then you pick those points to draw your line and then the construction line automatically goes away and you're done.

- Michael