[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.57 In reply to 2782.56 
Hi Will, the problem is that there are also a variety of other
things that don't work currently for "persisted" clines.

For example when you move your mouse over them, they
don't get a selection preview highlight. They can't be selected
by window select, etc...

So to make it into a fully proper feature involves a variety of
work, not just adding in a single menu item.

If you want to have a basic persisted cline despite the various
unfinished things, then you can actually get that right now, just
hook this up to a keyboard shortcut:
script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getConstructionLines().setProperty( "isTemporary", false );

When you push that after having created some clines, they will
persist, it should give you exactly the same effect as if I added
in a "persist" menu item to that existing menu right now.

I probably won't be adding it into the menu until the whole overall
thing works a bit better including cleanup of stuff like selection,
etc.... That's why I was mentioning that it is not as as simple as
just adding in a single menu item to do a proper fully finished
job of it.

> I guess what you're saying is currently, the cline is "simply"
> on the fly, GUI draw calls; it doesn't exist as an object or class

No, it is an actual official object type and class of its own. But
some selection related stuff is not finished with it currently.

- Michael