[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  WillBellJr
> I'll say that my idea for all this hinges on assuming that clines
> will be special entities within MoI that you can (right) click on
> to bring up their special menu.

Hmm, well that is a pretty big change, it would need quite a bit of special consideration...

That could possibly be kind of strange to have only clines have a special right-click menu and nothing else.

Wow Michael, I guess I just don't understand what's going on within MoI then cause I thought my suggestion was a path with the least amount of pain considering what's already available??

When I said "right click" menu, I meant the diamond popup that the dynamic cline currently has. Right now, the dynamic construction line is the only thing that HAS that little right-click menu after you create them? Unless I'm missing out on a bunch of other stuff??!!

I like the cline creation just the way it is now - I don't see a need for extra icons, buttons etc., after they've been drawn out and adjusted, persist (instanciate) them.

My suggestion to add a menu item "Persist" would ultimately take that dynamic cline and make it a "cline object".

So I thought all the functionality was there sans the logic to keep the cline around and manage multiples.

I guess what you're saying is currently, the cline is "simply" on the fly, GUI draw calls; it doesn't exist as an object or class - which my suggestions involved promoting them to so they could be persisted, and deleted (,grouped shown and hidden) etc.

That means you'd have to refactor the current GUI draw call(s) into a Draw() api for the cline object and other cline APIs to handle how you can specify "snap divisions" when the cursor moves over them along, orientation and other house keeping details...

As cline objects, I guess you should also be able to pick them up again and readjust etc.

Boohoo, whine, cry - I guess it's not as simple for you to implement as I thought... :-((

I guess I should go back and read though the rest of the thread - and look at the cline function that was mentioned and what it does cause I'm not sure now how you were planning on implementing this within MoI...
