[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  WillBellJr
"This part is not so good though - not because of too many menu items though, but because it means that in order to remove all clines you would first need to create a cline to get that menu, at least with how things work currently."

Hi Michael, thanks for the consideration since it would be great to have this feature especially if it's not that hard to implement using existing infrastructure.

I don't understand what you stated however?

I envisioned that you would click on an >existing< cline to specify remove / remove all?

If there aren't any clines available, then there's no popup menu to get to!

I'll say that my idea for all this hinges on assuming that clines will be special entities within MoI that you can (right) click on to bring up their special menu.

The only costs I envisioned for you would be to create a CLine class object and manage the multiples; keeping track of them etc., for downstream operations.

Are you saying once they're laid done, they're no longer "special" (construction lines) but simply line objects?

I was thinking ultimately you'd have "cline" objects in the browser which as the icing I mentioned earlier could named or grouped for easy hide and show...
