[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.24 In reply to 2782.23 
Hi Tony,

> But is that not what you are suggesting with ...
> >> the special "cline" command,
> and..
> >> you would go into that command which would allow you to adjust them.

Well not exactly - I'm suggesting that there could possibly be just _one_ additional icon for a "clines" command similar to the current plugin.

That would be the spot to go to draw in a bunch of persistent clines, and also to manage them.

From what I understood about what you were mentioning previously, you were asking about having a cline command similar to that current custom command, and also in addition to that a completely separate "lock clines" additional button... That's a 2 times increase in buttonage! ;)

> All I'm suggesting is to turn it around. One special command to
> lock all the guides. Manipulating guides works as now, but on
> persistent clines. Click, drag, right click get the wee menu. No
> extra icons required except for lock guides.

Well, again that's some additional UI stuff to work out - what you are describing now is different than the custom cline command that we were talking about previously.

That's even another issue that needs to be worked out - should there be a special "cline" command that would let you draw in clines without needing to be within some other command to make them? (this is like that custom command)

Or should there be a "keep clines" button that would just let you keep the clines you have created inside the current command? That's rather different.

Again, a lot of UI issues to work out, definitely needs plenty of time to make this nice, that's why it was not particularly feasible to tackle in v2 yet.

- Michael