[Request] Line from Center point :)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.11 In reply to 2782.10 
Hi DesuDeus - I'm sorry I don't quite understand your last reply here...

By using a construction line, you can quickly create any line you want balanced around a midpoint.

Again, here is demo - here is a point and I will draw a line with its midpoint on that point (isn't this what you are asking to do?) all without exiting the line command:

> Because a line from center point can be used for other
> things that just making construction lines.

Sorry, I don't understand - as you see above, I'm creating a line from the midpoint, is that not the result that you are looking for?

That gives you the exact same result that a special "from midpoint" option in the line command would do - there is no difference in the result of what is drawn.

Again, I'm not sure if you are thinking that when I say "Construction line" if you think I'm talking about drawing in additional regular line objects which then need to be manually erased, which is not the case - a construction line is a special helper that you can create (while still inside of a drawing command!!) to set up additional snap points to help you in various things, including drawing a line that is balanced around a midpoint.

- Michael