Fanlight frame chamfers are detached.

 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.9 In reply to 2765.8 
Hi Leonard, that's odd - I can't seem to repeat that last "edges not showing up" problem over here...

Over here when I open up your previous file (Clerestory chamfer problem.3dm) and select all the curves on the left, and then extrude, I get this:

which seems to have all edges in place.

In your screenshot, there must be an edge there since it has the proper shape in that spot.

Have you possibly hidden some of the edges? It is possible to hide edges the same as you can hide regular objects - if you have some edges selected and then push Edit/Hide, they will get hidden from view.

Please try pushing Edit/Hide with nothing selected to show everything and see if that brings your edges back again.

The original problem definitely seems to be a bug where Chamfer is not trimming things properly though, there is plenty of space for your chamfers to fit.

- Michael