Fanlight frame chamfers are detached.

 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.3 In reply to 2765.1 
Hi Leonard, it looks like there may have been a failure to trim some of the pieces when the chamfer was done. When that happens the chamfer pieces are still generated so that you have something to work with.

I'm taking a look at your model, but one quick initial note for you, you wrote:

> The half circle was first extruded and then the segments were
> then booled from the half circle solid.

You can actually extrude this all at once instead of extruding only the outer region and then doing booleans.

If you are extruding a set of curves all in the same plane, Extrude knows how to look for nested internal regions and form holes out those.

So for example, just take your entire set of curves and extrude it like this:

- Michael