Fanlight frame chamfers are detached.

 From:  nycL45
I was doing a final review and found *most* of the fanlight frame chamfers had become detached and the core mixed with and without chamfers. Another attempt resulted in the core mostly gone. AFAIK, I did not touch any controls that would partially separate the chamfers.

What I did:

The original splines seem to be closed although two segments required additional work.

The half circle was first extruded and then the segments were then booled from the half circle solid. The chamfer tool, with square corners checked, was then used. The middle fanlight frame, in the group pic below, was chamfered on side at a time. With the other fanlight, to the right, all edges on both sides were selected and then chamfered at one time.

Need some help on this.

The file contains the splines and solids.

