MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  JTB

A few new wishes.

A reminder...
Michael, the first post of this thread is a list of my wishes... One can be very useful and maybe easy for you to add for the next beta...
11. Add more solids : For example a tube, a pyramid...Why use booleans for these.

Wishes No 7 (images) and 10 (cap ends) are already done !!!!

A new one : (small) When using array command, there is no need to enter a number in X and Y spacing when I choose to make a [1,1,n] array, that means having multiple objects on Z axis.

A new one : ORTHO - Being able to move only on X, Y,Z axis. That can be achieved with Shift button or just a shortcut. I guess everyone will find it useful.To do this now you have to select the MOVE command, and have GRID SNAP enabled. I know that when I drag an object I can see if I move parallel to an axis. What I need is more to be sure that I can't move off axis.

A new one : Some right click menus will be very helpful.. Maybe there are not many commands for this right now but "Hide","Show points", "Copy/Paste" etc can be placed there.

EDITED: 24 Jan 2007 by JTB