MoI - Big Wishlist thread - Post your wishes here

 From:  Michael Gibson
275.41 In reply to 275.40 
re: move the 3 points before exiting the command.

I think that eventually this will be covered by history - eventually when there is an object tree available, you should be able to pick the 3pt arc and see that it has a history that it was created by 3 points, and have some way to turn on those points and edit them and have the arc update. That would then behave like you are describing. But it will be quite a while before that is ready.

Right now I don't want to do this since it would require an extra action - either right-click or "done" button, they are much the same. That would be quite a bit different than the other draw tools.

> With pen 3 points are "visible and movable" till you don't clic on another function

This is not easy to do without having a "done" button, since you may want to select the arc after you draw it. There is no button for going into selection mode, that's normally what the "Done" button is for, to exit the command and then go back into selection mode....

Thank you for the idea though!

- Michael