Ayam Can Import 3DM - Renderman

 From:  snation

First, MOI is EXCELLENT! Thank you.
Second, I hope it don't cost hundreds of dollars when released like Rhino. Used it, liked it,
then couldn't have it...
Third, Ayam is a Renderman modeler, visualizer, an excellent tool. Win32 users now have
all the features of their linux cousins :-) Namely, plugins and custom objects. Now you can
import 3dm files and render them with a renderman compliant renderer. Sweet. Tested it
out and it does work.


Aqsis: http://www.aqsis.org/xoops/modules/news/
Pixie: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~okan/Pixie/pixie.htm
Others: 3Delight, Angel, BMRT, ???

Anyway, just a heads up on a great tool to use in conjunction with a great modeler.