Edge selection - blend multiple surface edges

 From:  Samuel Zeller
2739.12 In reply to 2739.11 
Yeah T-splines are awesome, I mean its just the logical continuity of nurbs. Ive played a lot with the Rhino plugin, Its buggy but you can do so complex shapes that are just impossible to do with patches of nurbs! Also from rhino you save your t-splines into 3dm and MoI open it, then you do booleans and fillets between two T-Splines volumes. Seemless integration. But it cost a lot for a plugin (559 if im right) + the cost of Rhino, and while Rhino is rock solid, the plugin is very buggy and crash a lot.
The other sad part is that very few software have them. At least cheap software (less than 2k)
MoI with T-Splines would just nuke any competition :D

And it will gain a hell lot of customers around the world :)