V2 beta Jun-23-2009 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.17 In reply to 2711.7 
Hi Petr, it's great to hear from you, you've been away from the forum for a long time!

I'm not exactly sure if I'm following what you are talking about for Ctrl+Right-click though...

You wrote:
> for example (see first image), currently there is no
> difference between ctrl+left and ctrl+right on Lock
> icon of Curves item.

There will be a difference between them when you do a second ctrl+right click though. That will unlock everything because that is meant as an "exit from isolate".

> I would prefer the ctrl+right click led to unlocking
> all types but curves.

If I understand correctly though, that is sort of the opposite of what right-click is meant to do.

Right-click (either with Ctrl or not) is meant as an "isolate" function - which means that it will "activate" (either show if no Ctrl, or unlock if Ctrl is held) the item you clicked on and "deactivate" (either hide if no Ctrl or lock if Ctrl is held) everything else. If that item was already active, then it will activate everything, which allows for a kind of "exit from isolate" on a second click.

In the case that you are talking about, all the other items happen to already be locked when your item is isolated, so yes that does not have any difference between Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right, but that's the same behavior as regular right-click without Ctrl.

For example if you have all styles hidden and you now right-click on one of them, just that one will turn on which happens to be the same as if you left-clicked for that case since everything else is already in the state that isolates that object.

If you want to get all things unlocked except for curves, the way you can do that is to Ctrl+right-click on curves until all things are unlocked which may take 2 clicks depending on your starting state, then use Ctrl+Left click to lock the curves item that you are on.

Basically the right-click set of actions whether Ctrl is down or not are meant to either activate the current item, or to re-activate all items. So in either case it is going to be activating that current item and not de-activating it. The method that you are talking about would be like deactivating that item rather than "isolating" it as the only active item...

Maybe this will make a little more sense: populate the styles section with all eyes. Now hold down Ctrl and right-click on one of them. You'll see here that everything else other than what you clicked on will become locked - that's the "isolate lock" - the item you picked is now the only unlocked one and everything else is locked. When you are done working on that isolated item, you can then repeat the same click on it and everything else will be activated again.

Please let me know if this does not make sense though, it's a fairly subtle area and maybe I did not understand what you were getting at.

- Michael