V2 beta Jun-23-2009 available now

 From:  WillBellJr
Michael, I just had to chime back in and say that MoI is an absolute pleasure to work with now that I can assign my surfaces and have them xfer over to my other apps!

I'm also loving the browser and how I can select, hide and show things - hella powerful compared to v1, it just all ties in so nicely now having the browser along with the surface assignment features.

At one point I was thinking to myself that it felt like I was working in Silo or a polygon modeler but with the pleasure of NURBS!

The only thing I was sorely missing at this point and I'd be really nice if you could get a solution in there is a headlight for the 3D view.

Spinning and selecting surfaces at times was hard because they'd fall into darkness. I know you've posted scripts to change the light direction and I'll have to look those up, especially now, but a constant light direction while spinning my objects would keep the comfort level for me on a level high.

At one point, I was also wishing for an additional selection mode.

I had an object that I had assigned globally to a surface name. But then I wanted to take just a few of the shared surfaces and assign them to yet another surface.

At first I tried to select just parts of the assembly using the right to left selection method but that would select the whole object.

Now having the ability to intricately assign surfaces, I was looking for a way to be able to quickly select only what's touched while going left to right and not the whole object.

I ultimately had to break apart the object and using the right to left selection method, it was easier to select the larger surfaces and hide them leaving the smaller surfaces to reassign to the new surface defnition then join everything back together...

I think what would be really helpful is a way to select surfaces that cursor touches - I guess like a paint selection mode. Of course the opposite should be available - hold down [ctrl] and deselect whatever the cursor brushes across...
