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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
2704.22 In reply to 2704.14 
> So I'm still doing an geometry>poly>align when importing .lwo object ... it works as a double flip you descibe, but it's an 'autmaic' way
so it will resolve normal problem on area you don't always notice at first sight. (Can be frustrating to discover a wrong poly after an hires rendering of 4 hours for exemple).

Thanks for that tip, PaQ! I think I had tried 'align' on a Bonzai 3D model when I was evaluating it (they tend to produce lots of flipped polys all over the mesh), but it didn't seem to have any effect on the flipped polys. It's good to know that it fixes the problems if and when they occur in a MoI import.

Is there any trick to using 'align'? I think when I tried it on the B3D mesh I did not have any geometry selected. That is, since nothing was selected, I assumed it would work on the entire mesh in this case. Is that the right way to use it, or should I have something selected before using it?

Dave Morrill