new beta-stealth mode

 From:  Michael Gibson
2703.2 In reply to 2703.1 
Hi Danny,

> Shhhh, the new beta is out ;)

Uh oh, now everyone knows! ;)

Yeah, I still have not finished gathering up all the notes yet...

> I guess you're going to add the same thing for Groups?

Yup, I think so.

> Just one thing I couldn't assign .getLength(), has
> this been implemented yet ?

Yeah, it's now possible to get the length of a curve in a script.

Here's a quick and dirty version that adds up the lengths of all the selected curves and copies the result to the clipboard which you can paste into a text editor:

script:var crvs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getCurves(); var len = 0.0; for ( var i = 0; i < crvs.length; ++i ) len += crvs.item(i).getLength(); moi.copyTextToClipboard( len );

I guess I should probably set up something so that a script can more easily pop up a simple dialog with a bit of given text in it.

- Michael