Loft Bug, view bug

 From:  Michael Gibson
2688.7 In reply to 2688.6 
Hi Val, no problem!

The navigating part in particular is just a bit hard to explain in too short of an answer without it being cryptic...

Hopefully some of those tips about using Zoom area to get centered on a particular point, and also the zoom button for a more subtle approach slower zoom may help.

> I thought it only affected loft direction.

The direction of a section is actually controlled by clicking on the profile curve in the viewport while in the Loft options stage. A click on a section during that time will reverse it and if it is a closed section there is also a seam grip that will appear which can be dragged to alter the connecting seam between the profiles.

But there is an automatic optimization process that tries to figure out good direction and seam placement for you, which usually does a good job. So most of the time it is not necessary to adjust the directions manually, unless you want to purposely introduce twist.

- Michael