Loft Bug, view bug

 From:  Michael Gibson
2688.2 In reply to 2688.1 
Hi Val - re: zooming issue - that kind of a thing will happen if you approach too closely to the target point. When you get to a very small distance away from the target point, when you zoom in further than that you will move the entire target point forward too. Otherwise you would get kind of "stuck" in one place pretty easily if it only every approached the target but never pushed it back.

One thing you may try when you want to zoom in by a finer increment, is to use the Zoom button on the bottom viewport tools instead:

Click and hold down on that button and move the mouse upwards just a bit while still holding down. That will allow you to zoom in with a smaller increment than the scroll wheel. It's hard to provide this kind of fine-tuned control with the scroll wheel since it goes in kind of single click-like increments.

By using the zoom button you can come approach the target more easily without jumping past it.

I'll also take a look at your Loft problem shortly.

- Michael