MoI student license

 From:  pitrak
2649.3 In reply to 2649.2 
Thanks Eric, I'ld love to just go for it.. but it doesn't seem so easy.

From what I've read Michael doesn't seem like the kind of man to let his customers down, so I'm not too worried about the beta expiring like five days after the release of 2.0. Still, I'm faced with a decision to buy a program that I know will need an upgrade very soon. I'm interested in the 2.0 beta, not so much in the 1.0 - which is what I will end up with. The 1.0 is great, but I really need the SU import/export and the layers and groups.

The problem seems to be that studica needs proof that you're a student and doesn't 'ship' - I'll just get a download link I hope?? - before your student status is approved. Since it's Friday night I guess that means I won't get it up and running before Monday. And that's too late.

I've sent a mail to Studica, we'll see what happens.
Anyone who ordered there who can tell me how long it took to be up and running?
