
 From:  pitrak
2619.14 In reply to 2619.13 
The eye icons can also be a bit confusing - and maybe that's actually why i find the system confusing at times.

Say I want to see the faces of style magenta. What i actually see in the browser is half an eye at these tabs: 'surfaces', 'faces', 'all objects' and 'magenta'.

I can see the logic in that, but you really have to think to see what's going on. Also there is no way to see if all the faces of the magenta style are on or not (i think).

If magenta and faces would both have a full eye, there can be no doubt: all the magenta faces are on. Not all the magenta geometry is on for sure, but you know that since you can see that in the types tab. And on the screen as well.
If only part of the faces of the magenta style where visible, you would have a half eye - whereas in the current system there is no way to determine that.

I'm probably neglecting some consequences of this system that might be less favorable.
But on the positive side I think it would be more intuitive and it would contain more information.
The info of the styles and types would be complementary in that way rather than double up.

I would love to hear people's thoughts on this!
